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Gain Competitive Advantage as a Small Third-Party Debt Collector

Shrutidhara Kakoti

June 5, 2024

third-party collection agency

As a small third-party collection agency, it can be challenging to compete with larger firms. Companies often prefer to assign their accounts to larger agencies because they believe they can manage more accounts and achieve higher collection rates.

However, Conversational AI can change that for you and give you a competitive advantage over other collection agencies, including those larger than yours.

With Conversational AI, you achieve the following:

How AI Can Give an Edge to Small Third-Party Collection Agencies

Curious to learn more about how Conversational AI can help you gain a competitive edge over your competitors? Book a free demo with one of our experts.



What is RAG? A Deep Dive into Retrieval Augmented Generation

The field of AI is advancing rapidly, especially in large language models. Prominent models like GPT-3 and GPT-4 have impressive capabilities in generating coherent, human-like text. However, these models face a significant limitation: they rely solely on the data they were trained on, often leading to outdated or contextually incorrect information. As a result, the […]

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What Are the Most Important Integrations for a Conversational AI Platform?

You are ready to adopt a Conversational AI or Voice AI solution for your contact center, or you are in the process of adopting one—congratulations! Now is the time to think about integrations. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of integrating your Conversational AI platform with various tools and applications to transform your tech […]

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