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Listen to our voicebot in action

Experience our state-of-the-art voicebot for collections

Learn more about 48hr go-live and pricing
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Experience Skit.ai’s voicebot for auto collections

Accelerate recovery at a fraction of the cost with our Generative AI-powered multichannel solution. Reduce delinquency rates and charge-offs, and boost your customer experience.

Why Conversational Voice AI for auto lenders

  • Automate pre-due, due-date, and post-due calls
  • Up to 50% reduction in total cost of collection
  • Multi-turn conversations for better support experience
  • Save 50% agent time and augment their productivity
  • Collect faster with 100% account penetration

How Voice AI transforms the way you collect payments

Accelerate payment recovery
  • Maximize account penetration
  • Automate right-party contact (RPC) and promise-to-pay (PTP)
Make your collections cost-effective
  • Spend 1/4th of traditional calling cost through automation
  • Scale your collection efforts and invest resources effectively
Boost agent productivity
  • Automate repetitive calls from end to end
  • Enable staff to focus on high-value accounts and live transfers
Perfect scalability
  • Dial thousands of outbound calls within minutes
  • Process larger portfolios with the same staff
Rigorous compliance filters
  • Skit.ai’s solution is compliant with all laws and regulations
  • Voice AI never goes off-script or has a bad day
Delivering measurable business outcomes
Up to 0
Agent time saved
Up to 0
Account penetration
Up to 0
Connectivity rate boost
Up to 0
Lower collection cost