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Empowering lenders and collection agencies with our generative AI-powered voicebots

Accelerate recoveries and automate collections

Listen to our voicebot in action

Call automation with Voice AI in Collections

Want to know more about Voice AI and its implementation?
Call us at +1 254-212-7212

Voice AI capabilities

On-call payment
  • Card on file
  • Secure payment link
Right-party contact (RPC)
  • Consumer authentication and verification
  • Flagging of wrong party
Debt dispute handling
  • Capture debt dispute reason
  • Update CRM and convey information back to the agency for outreach
Promise-to-pay (PTP)
  • Capture disposition
  • Capture promise-to-pay or a payment plan
Auto follow-up and callback
  • Take follow-up on scheduled dates
  • Auto call-back for busy customers
Delivering measurable business outcomes
Up to 0
Agent Time Saved
Up to 0
Account Penetration in Minutes
Up to 0
Increase in RPC